欧博体育官网校友会宣布20美元,000 match for Renaissance Fund gifts

In recognition of the Renaissance Fund’s 55th anniversary and this year’s honorees, the Penn State 校友 Association will match gifts of $550 or more to any Renaissance Fund scholarship, 最高20美元,000.
Williams and Magnuson smiling at the camera

The Penn State 校友 Association (PSAA) has announced a $20,000 matching commitment that will grow the scholarship endowment recently established in honor of 2024 Renaissance Fund honorees Roger Williams, 退休PSAA执行董事, 还有他的妻子, 凯伦Magnuson, retired assistant director of University marketing.


宾州大学公园. — The Penn State 校友 Association (PSAA) has announced a $20,000 matching commitment that will grow the scholarship endowment recently established in honor of 2024 Renaissance Fund honorees Roger Williams, 退休PSAA执行董事, 还有他的妻子, 凯伦Magnuson, retired assistant director of University marketing. In recognition of the Renaissance Fund’s 55th anniversary, the PSAA will match gifts of $550 or more to any named Renaissance Fund with an equal contribution to the Roger L. 威廉姆斯和凯伦·L. 马格努森复兴基金.

Earlier this summer, Williams and Magnuson were 被提名为2024年复兴基金获奖者 for their contributions to and leadership in the Penn State and Centre County communities through their careers, 志愿服务和慈善事业. 自1969年创立以来, the Renaissance Fund has provided scholarship support to academically talented students with the greatest financial need. Williams and Magnuson will be celebrated at the annual Renaissance Fund event this November, which honors volunteer and philanthropic leaders who have made a significant impact in the Penn State and Centre County communities. Each year, a new Renaissance Fund endowment is established in the name of the honorees.

“Both Roger and Karen have shown an abiding commitment to the University’s land-grant mission and to making a world-class Penn State degree accessible,保罗·克利福德说, chief executive officer of the 校友 Association and associate vice president for alumni relations. “This gift is a testament both to Roger’s and Karen’s commitment to being lifelong champions of Penn State and to the Renaissance Fund’s continued impact on undergraduate students.”

Williams served as the executive director of the 校友 Association from 2003 to 2015. His tenure was marked by significant growth in both student and alumni memberships. 今天, Penn State is home to the largest dues-paying alumni association in the country, 拥有超过173个,全球有5000名会员.

Williams and Magnuson view the matching gift as both a further recognition and an opportunity to deepen the Renaissance Fund’s impact.

“We are humbled and honored by this gift from the 校友 Association,” Williams said. “Karen and I are proud that the gifts that the matching support inspires will lead to more support for students, who will go on to become proud Penn State alumni themselves.”

While the PSAA will match gifts to any named Renaissance Fund, matching funds will be directed to the Roger L. 威廉姆斯和凯伦·L. 马格努森复兴基金, named in honor of Williams and Magnuson. Their named fund will join 221 other Renaissance Funds, which, collectively, provided more than $1.6 million in scholarship support to more than 820 undergraduate students in the 2023-24 academic year.

Among former Renaissance Fund honorees is the 校友 Association itself. The recognition came in 2020 in tandem with the organization’s 150th anniversary, 以及文艺复兴基金的捐助者, 该组织帮助筹集 破纪录的1美元.5 million for the Penn State 校友 Association Renaissance Fund. 在总, the 校友 Association has contributed more than $18 million to philanthropic funds across the University.

To learn more about making a gift to the Roger L. 威廉姆斯和凯伦·L. 马格努森复兴基金,访问 提高.事业单位.edu/Renaissance2024, or contact Kathy Kurtz, associate director of annual giving, at (电子邮件保护) or 814-863-2052.

Gifts to Renaissance Fund Scholarships advance the University’s historic land-grant mission to serve and lead. 通过慈善事业, alumni and friends are helping students to join the Penn State family and prepare for lifelong success; driving research, 外展, and economic development that grow our shared strength and readiness for the future; and increasing the University’s impact for families, 病人, and communities across the commonwealth and around the world. 欲知详情,请浏览 提高.事业单位.edu.